Thursday, January 31, 2008

a day in the life...

A new day. Yesterday, (which was last Friday) the exploration continued. The previous few days were a bit rough. Still adjusting to life at the university and attempting cooking and living on my own etc. But yesterday’s presence greatly lifted my spirits.

I was on a two part mission: the research of two hotels in the area across the river, for when my parents visit in may… and to get lost. The day began as I crossed the peude colgante, one of first high rise pedestrian accessible bridges in Europe. I browsed the little informational plaque written in four different languages. The translation enlightened me… it was built in the year 1907… and other facts that are escaping me right now. Multiple languages get confusing.

Passing under the tape, I made a dash for the bridge’s elevator. My decision proved fruitless considering it was suspended 160 feet above me… I pushed the button expecting my get away vehicle to descend from such a great height, taking me far above those chasing me with, ‘stop.’ Yet apparently an elevator key is needed to command such a get away. So from my mouth streamed lou siento, low siento, no entiendo. I backed away and moved on. (ok I guess this is a tad bit exaggerated)

My foot stopped on the other side of the river not by my own physical means but by cables suspending a large ferry-type boat contraption. The other side of the river from Getxo provides a spectacular view of the harbor and the coastline. With ear buds in place, my music intensified the feeling of awe. Soon on my way, searching but at the same time wandering, I approached the first hotel. I entered confidently, exchanged ‘hola’s with the attractive concierge, and moved in a direction I presumed appropriate, unfortunately this direction landed me in the presence of many other Spaniards, a meeting of some sort… more ‘lo siento’s. A nice place… I reappeared outside, picked a direction, I’m off. (to be continued... i forgot to upload my pictures. so those are on their way too)

1 comment:

Mom (fake) said...

Can't wait for the rest!
Love you!