Tuesday, April 1, 2008

italy, spain, and the shire

Hi all! thanks for baring with me. I just returned from Italy! I visited Rome, Florence, and Venice. wow it was an amazing time and can't wait to share a story or two from the trip with you. but for now I have a few writings I wrote awhile back and haven't had the chance to post. For now I'm back in Bilbao and I'm getting resettled for the last weeks of my journey here. I hope all of you are well and are enjoying the spring. this excerpt comes from one of my explorations along the cliffs of Getxo. thanks for reading!

I just remembered something I saw when I was walking toward sopelona.

Statement: I found the shire… ‘what?!’ ‘yes,’ a little hobbiton tucked away in the green grassy knolls of the Spanish coastline. ‘did J.R.R. Tolkien ever visit spain?’ one might ask. Well, yes in fact such a spot may just have inspired the hometown of the fantastical furry feeted dwarflings. Now, at the present time no hobbitses seem to inhabit this little dwelling, most of them likely having long since emigrated to some distant land… perhaps to the very spot in the film… perhaps. After all, the ring has now been destroyed… they’re obviously free to move about the world.

However, the residences are now home to the obvious Spanish equivalent… rats… many of those little guys scurrying around… ‘oops, gotta watch my step.’

But it’s true. The cliffs give way to grassy fortresses, properly protected by 150 foot descents and razor sharp conglomerates. just the protection little Bilbo and Frodo needed from the evil powers of Mordor.

It’s no coincidence that just down the road an unsuspecting town happens to possess the name BILBaO. Just think about it… it’s all becoming clear 

-adios only for now



Jobernal24 said...

haha good to hear from you again. I have missed the updates. Hope you are still enjoying yourself. We all miss you.

Mom (fake) said...

ah, yes, wouldn't it be lovely to see some of those hobbitses? can't wait to se you and BILBaO soon!